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Meet UBi - The First AI Nurse Focused On Improving Clinical Outcomes
Helping GI Patients Get Into Remission 5x Faster  By Empowering Treat-To-Target Management

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Most gastroenterologists lack the resources to proactively track how chronic GI patients respond between pre-scheduled visits, leading to avoidable disease progression, poorer outcomes, and high lifetime costs.
Enter UBi -  empowering gastroenterologists by automating real-time treatment response monitoring and helping steward patients on their care journey in between visits.
Our AI nurses, supported by human-in-the-loop care teams, proactively detect when a treatment isn’t working and escalate patients back to their GIs to improve outcomes all without adding burden to existing staff.

In addition, UBi proactively communicates with the patient's insurance company for proactive prior-authorization of escalation options so we can escalate with pre-approved treatment options.
We Enable Any Practice To Automatically Follow the Stride II Treat-to-Target Guidelines
Our AI Nurses Autonomously Capture, Synthesize, and Act On Multiple Patient Data Streams To Create A Holistic Picture Of How A Patient Is Responding To Their Treatment Over Time
We Bring Value To All Stakeholders
Based On Published Clinical Studies, Treat-To-Target Management Programs Have Been Able To Demonstrate For:
More Likely To Achieve Sustained Remission
Decrease In Adverse Outcomes
AI-Powered Prior-Authorization To Unburden Your Staff
In New Annually Recurring Revenues Per Patient
Average Reduction In Cost Per Remission
Decrease In Net  Costs Per Patient Per Year